Experience the benefits of solar energy, wind power, and eco-friendly living. ... No machines are needed to take care of the plants or to harvest; just a small green oil extraction machine that can be hooked up to photovoltaic panels. A lot of the harvesting is manual labour which employs people, creating jobs. This means a much more environmentally friendly low carbon emission for production
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Economist article: "Defence spending in a time of austerity"
An old quote that still worries me
„Auch die Forderung, Deutschland solle aus der Nato austreten, beweist, dass die Beobachtung weiter sinnvoll ist.“
I understand that a very right wing party's (in the German spectrum; in the U.S. political spectrum they would at most be a moderate Republicans) representative prefers a far left wing party to be labelled as possibly counter-constitutionalist, but said left-wing party has a point: The CSU itself has its own issues with the constitution, especially the federal one. The NATO-related point on the other hand was nothing but an embarrassment for its user.
P.S.: 31 posts in a 31-day month. Don't expect me to keep this pace, I had a few free weeks this month.
Military procurement lessons (re)learned of the last decades
* Do not force multiple armed services to agree on a "joint" product. At least don't let them believe that they might get a custom development just for their service if there was no joint project. This never works out well.
* Do not allow "upgrades" that come close to the cost of a new product.
* Do not stare at the modernity of the product at the beginning of its operational service. Look at the average modernity over its lifetime. It may be better to replace mediocre products more often than to buy one super product and stick with it for a decade after its obsolescence.
* Do not allow your supplier to treat you as a low-priority customer. The taxpayer's interests deserve above-average engineers and priority!
* Break up mega corporations with a competition protection act or by pressuring them to disintegrate into cooperating yet fully independent companies by withholding contracts.
* Think in the long term. Don't muddle through all the time, dare to standardise ideal calibres and vehicle families even if that's in contrast with existing inventories.
* Don't launch a development project if the future availability of funds for full development and production is questionable.
* Do not combine an whole army reform program into a bundle of development projects. Launch a development project for the link instead (communication standard and hardware).
* Do not allow fashions to take over your R&D department. Chase the proponents of fashions that violate common sense out of the ministry.
* Quality is overemphasized in peacetime, quantity is essential in wartime. Do not allow designs that are not affordable in quantity.
* Do not overemphasize platforms over ammunitions, spare parts and training funds.
* Use clear and honest information when informing parliament and public, do not misguide and conceal with 6+ definitions of "cost" or other trickery.
* Avoid one-trick ponies. Versatility is a value in itself.
* Demand and enforce that all public servants and soldiers involved in research or development or procurement projects sign a commitment with a huge contract penalty that keeps them from working directly or indirectly for the industry. Relieve those who reject it.
* Agree with the major opposition party if you're about to launch a development & procurement project that is despite observing all these rules still expected to last longer than your government coalition.
I wrote this list in 30 minutes without dedicated research, just out of my memory. The lessons learned are really obvious. There are only two explanations for why military procurement efforts are still so often a mess: Incompetence and evil.
It looks to me as if politicians don't do their job, followed by lower ranks mixing incompetence, red tape caused by incompetence and inappropriate interests into the problem.
New Vertical Axis Wind Turbine running with truck's energy!
Monday, August 30, 2010
"Who Says Dumb Artillery Rounds Can’t Kill Armor?"
Unfree labour phantasies in German politics
The most extreme and in my opinion despicable attempt to save this kind of unfree labour is a proposal of Lower Saxony's minister of the interior, Schünemann.
Nach den Vorstellungen von [...] Schünemann könnte die Dienstpflicht nicht nur in den Streitkräften, sondern auch in der Bundespolizei oder in Zivilschutzverbänden geleistet werden.
No major power threatens our country, in fact no real power does. All is fine.
Suddenly, a politician makes his way into newspaper headlines with the idea to force our youth into unfree labour - underpaid, of course. He also wants to strip those who serve their unfree labour period in the military of some of their free speech rights.
Sven Ortmann
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Mean maximum pressure paper
edit: new link (supposed to last longer):
Schwerpunkt and "Klotzen, nicht kleckern!" - the balance problem

The Schwerpunkt concept remains valid, but it requires a good balancing in every application. Those other forces that are not focused on the supposedly decisive action are essential and must not be reduced too much.
Sven Ortmann
photo: Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-139-1112-17 / Knobloch, Ludwig / CC-BY-SA
Friday, August 27, 2010
Guns are (apparently) very sexy!
Sven Ortmann
A Solar Powered ToothBrush!? WHAT IS HAPPENING?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Roman multi tool
Sven Ortmann
Cracking down on corporate spying ! (?)
This is good news, of course. There are some open questions, though.
I) Will this attempt to roll back extend to executive powers or will it be limited to corporate rights?
II) Will the discussion about Google Streetview discredit and distract those who fight for protection against spying too much? It looks like an utterly irrelevant and childish discussion to me.
III) Will the Merkel cabinet be able to act decisively on anything?
IV) Some laws of the aforementioned trend were enacted when conservatives were in power. Can they back-paddle?
Sven Ortmann
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Guttenberg's five proposals

Modell eins sieht einen Gesamtumfang von 205.000 Soldaten vor. Die Zahl der Berufs- und Zeitsoldaten wird in zwei Schritten bis 2012 auf 155.000 reduziert. Es bleibt bei 25.000 Grundwehrdienstleistenden W6 und 25.000 FWDL.
Modell zwei wäre die Radikalverkleinerung in drei Schritten bis 2013 auf 150.000 Berufs- und Zeitsoldaten. Keine Wehrpflichtigen, keine Kurzdiener. Die Einberufungen enden 2011.Modell drei: Ebenfalls vom kommenden Jahr an keine Einberufungen mehr, Abschmelzen in sechs Schritten bis 2016 auf 156.000 Berufs- und Zeitsoldaten.
Modell vier: 156.000 Berufs- und Zeitsoldaten (in sechs Schritten bis 2016) plus Freiwilligenkomponente von 7500 Kurzdienern. Guttenberg hat bereits deutlich gemacht, dass er sich auch vorstellen könne, diese Komponente auf bis zu 15.000 aufzustocken, wenn das Parlament das wünsche – ein Hinweis mit Appellcharakter an den Haushaltsausschuss.
Modell fünf mit insgesamt 210.000 Mann ähnelt Modell eins: 180.000 Berufs- und Zeitsoldaten plus 30.000 Grundwehrdienstleistende. Hier kursiert die Bewertung, dieser Ansatz wäre um zwei Milliarden Euro teurer als Modell 4.
(photo: Bienert)
Breakthrough: Spray-On Solar Cell Technology : Your whole House can become a huge Solar Panel
Within the next 5 to 10 years, you may be able to coat your house (literally) in a Thin Film Solar-Cell Technology that is literally sprayed on, if Norwegian company EnSol gets its way. EnSol's power-generating spray-on film, which may hit the market as soon as 2016, can be applied on any surface--exterior walls, your fence, and even windows.
How, exactly, are you supposed to see through a window with solar technology on it? EnSol's application process for the coating Norwegian you adjust how much coating you want applied to the surface.
Instead of turning your house into a cave, you'll have slightly tinted windows that catch some 8-10% of the light and let the rest through. Or, if one side of your house received more sunlight than you like, you can increase the thickness of the coating, further reducing the amount of light that comes through the window.
Needless to say, EnSol has yet to release pricing information for its solar film, but the company plans to begin commercial production by 2016. EnSol is hoping to increase the solar film's efficiency to the point where it'll be able to convert around 20% of the energy it absorbs into energy you can use, which compared to other forms of energy is substantial.