Data for World Installed Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Capacity, 1980-2007, with Projection for 2012 (table) World Cumulative Installed Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Capacity, 1980-2007 (figure) World Cumulative Installed Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Capacity, 1980-2007, with Projection for 2012 (figure) World Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Plants Greater than 10 Megawatts and in Operation as of June 2008 (table) World's Top Ten Largest Proposed Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Projects as of June 2008 (table) Select World List of Proposed Solar Thermal Power Projects by Power Capacity (table) Countries Developing Concentrating Solar Thermal Power as of June 2008 (map) Land Area in Algeria Required to Meet Electricity Demand for the World and the European Union with Concentrating Solar Thermal Power (map) Year | Net Annual Addition 1 | Cumulative Installed Capacity 2 |
| Megawatts | Megawatts | 1980 | 1 | 1 | 1981 | 2 | 3 | 1982 | 10 | 13 | 1983 | 4 | 17 | 1984 | 1 | 17 | 1985 | 16 | 33 | 1986 | 28 | 61 | 1987 | 58 | 119 | 1988 | 30 | 149 | 1989 | 50 | 199 | 1990 | 75 | 274 | 1991 | 80 | 354 | 1992 | 3 | 356 | 1993 | 0 | 356 | 1994 | 0 | 356 | 1995 | 0 | 356 | 1996 | 10 | 366 | 1997 | 0 | 366 | 1998 | 0 | 366 | 1999 | 0 | 366 | 2000 | -10 | 356 | 2001 | 0 | 356 | 2002 | 0 | 356 | 2003 | 0 | 356 | 2004 | 0 | 356 | 2005 | 0 | 356 | 2006 | 1 | 357 | 2007 | 100 | 457 | … |
| 2012 3 |
| 6,400 | Notes: 1 Net annual addition equals new installations minus retirements. | 2 Cumulative installed capacity may not equal sum of net annual additions due to rounding. | 3 2012 is a projection based on data from Emerging Energy Research, Global Concentrated Solar Power Markets and Strategies, 2007-2020 (Cambridge, MA: November 2007) and Earth Policy Institute research. | Source: Compiled by Jonathan G. Dorn, Earth Policy Institute, June 2008, with 1980-2007 data from Shirish Garud, Making Solar Thermal Power Generation in India a Reality - Overview of Technologies, Opportunities, and Challenges (New Delhi: The Energy and Resources Institute, 2006); Rainer Aringhoff et al., Concentrated Solar Thermal Power – Now! (Brussels, Almeria, and Amsterdam: European Solar Thermal Industry Association, IEA SolarPACES, and Greenpeace International, September 2005), p. 10; National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U.S. Parabolic Trough Power Plant Data, electronic database, at, updated 8 May 2007; Acciona Energy, "CSP - 64 MW Plant in the United States," at, viewed 15 April 2008; Abengoa Solar, "PS10: The First Commercial Tower of the World," at, viewed 15 April 2008; Peter Fairley, "Solar Without the Panels," Technology Review, 29 February 2008. |      Location | Company | Project | Power Capacity | Year of Initial Operation |
| Megawatts | | California, USA | Luz International Ltd. | SEGS I | 14 | 1985 | California, USA | Luz International Ltd. | SEGS II | 30 | 1986 | California, USA | Luz International Ltd. | SEGS III | 30 | 1987 | California, USA | Luz International Ltd. | SEGS IV | 30 | 1987 | California, USA | Luz International Ltd. | SEGS V | 30 | 1988 | California, USA | Luz International Ltd. | SEGS VI | 30 | 1989 | California, USA | Luz International Ltd. | SEGS VII | 30 | 1989 | California, USA | Luz International Ltd. | SEGS VIII | 80 | 1990 | California, USA | Luz International Ltd. | SEGS IX | 80 | 1991 | Andalucίa, Spain | Abengoa Solar | PS10 (Solúcar Platform) | 11 | 2007 | Nevada, USA | Acciona Energy | Solar One | 64 | 2007 | Source: Compiled by Jonathan G. Dorn, Earth Policy Institute, June 2008, with SEGS from National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U.S. Parabolic Trough Power Plant Data, electronic database, at, updated 8 May 2007; PS10 from Abengoa Solar, "PS10: The First Commercial Tower of the World," at, viewed 15 April 2008; Rhone Resch and Noah Kaye, "The Promise of Solar Energy: A Low-Carbon Energy Strategy for the 21st Century," UN Chronicle, vol. XLIV, no. 2 (2007); Solar One from Acciona Energy, "CSP - 64 MW Plant in the United States," at, viewed 15 April 2008. |  Location | Company | Project | Power Capacity 1 | Scheduled Year of Completion |
| Megawatts | | California, USA | Solel Solar Systems, Ltd. | Mojave Solar Park | 553 | 2011 | California, USA | Stirling Energy Systems | Solar One | 500 (850) | 2011 | California, USA | BrightSource Energy, Inc. | Ivanpah Solar Electricity Generating System | 400 (900) | 2011 | California, USA | Stirling Energy Systems | Solar Two | 300 (900) | not set | Andalucίa, Spain | Abengoa Solar | Solúcar Platform | 300 | 2013 2 | Florida, USA | Ausra, Inc. | n.a. | 300 | 2011 | Arizona, USA | Abengoa Solar | Solana | 280 | 2011 | California, USA | Beacon Solar, LLC | Beacon Solar Energy Project | 250 | 2011 | California, USA | Harper Lake, LLC | Harper Lake Energy Park | 250 (500) | 2010 | Ramat Negev, Israel 3 | n.a. | n.a. | 250 | 2011 | Notes: n.a. = not available. At the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting in September 2007, Ausra, Inc. committed to building 1,000 megawatts of solar thermal power, including the project listed here, over the next five years in the United States. Solar Millennium AG is expected to announce plans in late 2008 to build four 250-megawatt CSP plants in the United States (not included in this list). The plants have been negotiated and development depends on interconnection approval. Operation of the first of the four plants is expected to begin in 2011. | 1 Power capacity lists proposed size with possible expansions noted in parentheses. | 2 Some CSP projects such as the Solúcar Platform are modular and part can come online before the total project is complete. Currently almost 4 percent of the Solúcar Platform is operational (the PS10 Tower came online in 2007), with additional capacity incrementally coming online over the next several years. The entire project is expected to be completed by 2013. | 3 Israel's Ministry for National Infrastructures issued a tender in early 2008 for 250 megawatts of CSP. | Source: Compiled by Jonathan G. Dorn, Earth Policy Institute, June 2008. References available upon request. |  Location | Company | Project | Power Capacity 2 | Scheduled Year of Completion |
| Megawatts |
| California, USA | Solel Solar Systems, Ltd. | Mojave Solar Park | 553 | 2011 | California, USA | Stirling Energy Systems | Solar One | 500 (850) | 2011 | California, USA | BrightSource Energy, Inc. | Ivanpah Solar Electricity Generating System | 400 (900) | 2011 | California, USA | Stirling Energy Systems | Solar Two | 300 (900) | not set | Andalucίa, Spain | Abengoa Solar | Solúcar Platform | 300 | 2013 3 | Florida, USA | Ausra, Inc. | n.a. | 300 | 2011 | Arizona, USA | Abengoa Solar | Solana | 280 | 2011 | California, USA | Beacon Solar, LLC | Beacon Solar Energy Project | 250 | 2011 | California, USA | Harper Lake, LLC | Harper Lake Energy Park | 250 (500) | 2010 | Ramat Negev, Israel 4 | n.a. | n.a. | 250 | 2011 | California, USA | eSolar | n.a. | 245 | 2011 | Australia | EnviroMission Ltd. | Solar Mission Project | 200 | not set | California, USA | Ausra, Inc. | Carrizo Energy Solar Farm | 177 | 2010 | Jordan | n.a. | n.a. | 150 (300) | 2015 | Spain | Solel Solar Systems, Ltd. | n.a. | 150 | not set | Ciudad Real, Spain | Iberdrola Renewables | n.a. | 150 | not set | Upington, South Africa | Eskom | n.a. | 100 | not set | Madinat Zayad, United Arab Emirates | Masdar (Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company) | Shams | 100 | 2010 | Greece | Solar Millennium AG | Theseus | 52 | not set | China | Solar Millennium AG | n.a. | 50 (1,000) | 2020 | Spain | Solar Millennium AG | Extremasol 1 | 50 | 2011 | Spain | Solar Millennium AG | Extremasol 2 | 50 | 2012 | Spain | Solar Millennium AG | Murciasol 1 | 50 | 2011 | Spain | Solar Millennium AG | Murciasol 2 | 50 | not set | Córdoba, Spain | Acciona Energy | Palma del Rio I | 50 | not set | Córdoba, Spain | Acciona Energy | Palma del Rio II | 50 | not set | Ciudad Real, Spain | Abengoa Solar | Helios 1 | 50 | not set | Ciudad Real, Spain | Abengoa Solar | Helios 2 | 50 | not set | California, United States | Bethel Energy, LLC | Bethel 1 | 50 | 2010 | California, United States | Bethel Energy, LLC | Bethel 2 | 50 | 2010 | California, United States | n.a. | Victorville 2 | 50 | 2010 | Cáceres, Spain | Acciona Energy | Majadas de Tiétar | 50 | not set | Badajoz, Spain | Acciona Energy | Alvarado | 50 | 2009 | Andalucίa, Spain | Abengoa Solar | Ecija 1 | 50 | not set | Andalucίa, Spain | Abengoa Solar | Ecija 2 | 50 | not set | Andalucίa, Spain | Solar Millennium AG | Andasol 1 | 50 | 2008 | Andalucίa, Spain | Solar Millennium AG | Andasol 2 | 50 | 2009 | Andalucίa, Spain | Solar Millennium AG | Andasol 3 | 50 | 2010 | Spain | Iberdrola Renewables | n.a. | 50 | not set | Spain | Iberdrola Renewables | n.a. | 50 | not set | Spain | Iberdrola Renewables | n.a. | 50 | not set | Spain | Iberdrola Renewables | n.a. | 50 | not set | Spain | Iberdrola Renewables | n.a. | 50 | not set | Spain | Iberdrola Renewables | n.a. | 50 | not set | Spain | Iberdrola Renewables | n.a. | 50 | not set | Liddell, Australia | Ausra, Inc. | Liddell Power Station | 37 | 2008 | Kuraymat, Egypt | Solar Millennium AG | n.a. | 30 | not set | Sonora, Mexico | n.a. | Agua Prieta II | 25 | 2009 | Yazd, Iran | n.a. | n.a. | 20 | 2010 | Hassi-R'mel, Algeria | Abengoa Solar | n.a. | 20 | 2009 | Almaden, Spain | Abengoa Solar | n.a. | 20 | not set | Ain-Ben-Mathar, Morocco | Abengoa Solar | n.a. | 20 | 2008 | Andalucίa, Spain | Sener | Solar Tres | 16 | not set | Cloncurry, Australia | Lloyd Energy Systems and Ergon Energy | Cloncurry Solar Power Project | 10 | 2010 | Notes: n.a. = not available. At the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting in September 2007, Ausra, Inc. committed to building 1,000 megawatts of solar thermal power, including the projects listed here, over the next five years in the United States. Solar Millennium AG is expected to announce plans in late 2008 to build four 250-megawatt CSP plants in the United States (not included in this list). The plants have been negotiated and development depends on interconnection approval. Operation of the first of the four plants is expected to begin in 2011. | 1 This table is a list of selected projects larger than 10 megawatts, not a comprehensive list of proposed CSP projects. | 2 Power capacity lists proposed size with possible expansions noted in parentheses. | 3 Some CSP projects such as the Solúcar Platform are modular and part can come online before the total project is complete. Currently almost 4 percent of the Solúcar Platform is operational (the PS10 Tower came online in 2007), with additional capacity incrementally coming online over the next several years. The entire project is expected to be completed by 2013. | 4 Israel's Ministry for National Infrastructures issued a tender in early 2008 for 250 megawatts of CSP. | Source: Compiled by Jonathan G. Dorn, Earth Policy Institute, June 2008. References available upon request. |      Link back to Plan B Update text
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